European Proptech Awards (2023)

European Proptech Awards (2023)

European Proptech Awards (2023)

In September, the Seluxit EMS was selected as one of the top 50 Innovative Solutions in building technology in the EU. We are very proud of that. A jury of 70 members from 24 EU countries selected the finalists. The need for intelligent control and automation of energy consumption and devices is a huge international need to make the green transition happen.

To be recognised in one of the world’s most exclusive Proptech recognition programmes is a true honour and a verification of our solution. We will continue to develop our cornerstone in Seluxit EMS, -> Wappsto.

Recently we have made integrations to 30 European electricity spot markets, so it’s possible to control and automate according to price. Furthermore, integrations to Home Assistant and Samsung SmartThings have also been added. Overall Wappsto is now compatible with more than 20,000 devices such as solar inverters, batteries, heat pumps, EVs and more.


A group of students implements an IoT project using Wappsto Cloud

A group of students implements an IoT project using Wappsto Cloud

A group of 2nd semester IT students successfully implemented an IoT project using Wappsto Cloud.


Earlier this year, we proposed an IoT project to the 2nd semester IT students. The project was to create a Chamber Activity Monitor using our IoT Platform, Wappsto.

The system had to consist of multiple sensors and an application to set them up:

• A sensor that can measure movement, light, and possibly CO2
• A signal unit to report if a room is occupied
• A signal unit to send different messages to people outside the room.
• A UI where you can configure the above units, view calendar and meeting status, CO2 levels, etc.

All the units had to connect and communicate through the Wappsto Cloud. Students were given our toolbox (a set of programming libraries and documentation) to ease the process.



We were happily surprised by how little guidance they required throughout the project. They successfully completed the assigned tasks.

Here is what they have to say:

The results were extremely satisfying!

We managed to develop our project using several ESP32 components and associated parts, such as motion sensors, LDR, CO2 sensors, displays and more.

Due to the efficient and fast data transfer to the Wappsto platform, and the ease of use it offered, Wappsto proved to be an incredibly intuitive and easy platform to work with. Your instructions on Github also made it quick and easy for us to set up the various components for our project.

It was truly an amazing experience working on this project!

Jesper, Mikkel, Simon and Christian

2nd semester IT students, EA Dania Silkeborg

It was a pleasure working with such talented and determined young people who can grasp and execute complicated problems.

While carrying out such projects, both sides learn new things. We always value feedback on how we can improve our platform and learning materials.

We hope Wappsto continues helping other students in their learning experience.

Security and Privacy

Data encryption and GDPR compliance is only the start. When it comes to ensuring our customers and their customers security and preserving their privacy, our approach is comprehensive and unrelenting, and we strive to put you in control of your own data.

What’s at stake

As more and more connected devices are brought online and expose data, there is more and more potential for compromising our security and privacy. For example, smart meters are empowering homeowners to save energy, but energy-usage data can reveal details about our comings and goings and our private habits. Security and privacy come at a cost, a cost that is all too often neglected by companies facing tight budgets and tight timeframes. But with Seluxit, you don’t need to compromise, as security and privacy are built into every aspect in our proven method for getting our customers’ connected products into the market.

Comprehensive Measures

From developing tamper-proof hardware to the secure sending, reading, storing and acting on data, Seluxit’s dedication to ensuring security and privacy is comprehensive. Every potential point of entry is considered and protected in accordance with the need.

Seluxit uses a proven palette of vetted standard encryption algorithms and key exchange methods to ensure the secure transfer of data across a range of wireless communication protocols, oftentimes from memory-constrained devices. Measures such as redundancy, separation and anonymization of data ensure the secure storage of data. The physical point of origin of the data also needs to be secured, preventing unauthorized code to be executed. Moreover, what happens to the data once it is read is also of concern. That’s why Seluxit takes pains to ensure tools for fine-grain management of trust relationships and rights between different actors in IoT systems, be the actors’ devices or humans. Seluxit strives to empower its users not only to manage their data but also to control their data.

Seluxit’s Credentials

Seluxit handles the certification of their customers’ products with such certification authorities as TÜV Nord and Cetecom. Seluxit’s solutions are GDPR compliant by design, and also uphold national and industry schemes, notably as is the case for Seluxit’s work with residential smart meters in Germany, under the close watch of the German Federal Office for Information Security*.

Smart Home — Aduro

Smart Home — Aduro


Aduro had engaged a subcontractor who built a tailormade solution for an earlier internet-connected version of their stoves. However, the problem was that maintenance, operational, and new development costs were exploding. Therefore Aduro decided to move new models of their stoves to the fully managed Seluxit IoT solution Wappsto.



Seluxit was able to help Aduro into the market in a  short timeframe because Seluxit already had a range of finished technology that could solve Aduro’s problems. In close cooperation with Aduro, Seluxit developed embedded hardware to connect an embedded stove controller to Wappsto. In Wappsto, Seluxit configured tailormade dashboards and filters to monitor the fleet of stoves. Furthermore, Seluxit developed iOS and Android apps according to Aduro specifications and helped get them published in the AppStore and PlayStore.



 Seluxit helps facilitate the production of the electronics parts, including sourcing the bill of material and managing the generation of unique keys in each product to ensure security. Moreover, the products’ radio technology needed to be certified and tested during the manufacturing process. Seluxit handled all of these topics.



Seluxit manages the operation and maintenance of the Aduro connected stove system. Over-the-air updates automatically deploy any bug fixes to every device in the field.