Love Potions

Love potions was the theme of Seluxit’s stand at the recent Mobile World Conference in Barcelona (27 of February to 2 of March, 2017).

We thought the world needed more love, but aside from that, we used the theme to demonstrate and introduce our new initiative, Q.

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MWC17 stand theme revealed

Love potions…

If the connection between the IoT and love potions isn’t obvious to you, then you should come to Barcelona at the end of February to the Mobile World Congress.

We’ll tell you how you make your customers love the IoT.

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IoT Meetup

The Internet of Things is fun.

While our company and our customers depend on the business value generated by IoT applications, there’s also a popular wave of hobbyists that are unburdened by these concerns.

That doesn’t mean that hobbyists have cornered the market on having fun with the IoT though.

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