Energy Efficiency Dashboard
Indenfor få minutter kan du få et rigtig godt indblik i dit energiforbrug med det nye Energi Dashboard fra Seluxit.

Wave Powered Energy
Seluxit is “on board” (pun intended) a wave-powered pilot project which is using the SLX Wappsto:bit to measure wave activity in Norway.
The project, which is led by entrepreneurial students Hanna Bjørnstad Hellem and Astrid Berg Larsen, aims to create green energy for all by generating wave-powered electricity. You can read more about the project (In Norwegian) here.
SLX Wappsto:bit is an extension board for BBC micro:bit which enables you to send and receive data directly to and from your dashboard, where you can also analyze and visualize your measurements.

Smart Energy Partnership
Seluxit has entered into a partnership with Logarex to deliver Smart Energy solutions. It consists of the Logarex Smart Meters and the Seluxit Dashboard and wireless communication technology.
Energy Cluster Denmark Kickoff
The energy transition needs the power of the digital transformation. That’s Seluxit’s sweet spot.
Easy Energy Insight
The SLX IoT Submeter is a fully-managed, plug-and-go solution that quickly gets data from your energy source to your dashboard.
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