Smart Energy Partnership
Seluxit has entered into a partnership with Logarex to deliver Smart Energy solutions. It consists of the Logarex Smart Meters and the Seluxit Dashboard and wireless communication technology.
Seluxit has entered into a partnership with Logarex to deliver Smart Energy solutions. It consists of the Logarex Smart Meters and the Seluxit Dashboard and wireless communication technology.
SLX Wappsto:bit is an extension board for BBC micro:bit, a popular pocket-sized computer that has been designed specifically for educational purposes.
Researchers from Aalborg University are using Seluxit products to make data collection easy. In two separate initiatives, air-quality and water-usage data will be collected.
With 400 SLX Heartbeat units already delivered, the rollout for the Danish Heart Foundation has begun in earnest.
The SLX IoT Submeter is a fully-managed, plug-and-go solution that quickly gets data from your energy source to your dashboard.
Seluxit’s smart-meter products are out of the ordinary. The German trade press has picked up on that.
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