Data Ethics
Data Ethics Matters
Do people own data about themselves?
Should companies or governments be allowed to collect data as they please?
Are there certain types of data that ought not to be for sale?
When do the collection and use of data violate people’s right to privacy?
These are some of the core questions in the field of data ethics.
The Principles of Data Ethics
So what exactly is Seluxit doing about data ethics? Seluxit has taken the initiative to employ a PhD student in the field of philosophy with a specialization in ethics and is writing a collection of principles of data ethics.
These principles have a general application but stem from questions that arise in our daily work. The principles will serve to guide the decisions we make in our work. The principles, which can be browsed here on our website, are being published in a series.
Data Ethics and IoT
Because Seluxit helps its customers produce connected products, we need to navigate ethical questions that arise from IoT products and the ownership and use of their data.
Seluxit and Your Data
Privacy and data protection are already on many people’s lips. As more and more data will be collected and used in the future, it has never been more crucial for businesses to work actively with data ethics. Seluxit takes responsibility for actively implementing principles of data ethics at the very core of our business.
At Seluxit, we connect physical products to the internet. Many of these products generate large amounts of data. Understanding the consequences of the choices we make in relation to the collection of data, is crucial. The choices we make affect both the data subjects and the people around them.
Making the right decisions is not always easy. The field of data ethics provides the relevant tools to help make the right decisions in relation to data. For that reason, we want to take the lead in developing and implementing data ethics at the very core of our business.
A Major Issue
One example of a major issue that we face is the balance between the individuals’ property rights and privacy rights, companies and fair use of data collected through their online services and devices, and governments and their attempts to create value and security for citizens through data surveillance.
Striking the balance between these three considerations is not always easy.
There can be both pros and cons in many cases. Consider these examples:
Convenience vs Manipulation
The price of data
The state using data
Convenience vs Manipulation
The price of data
The state using data
Data ethics can be used to evaluate pros and cons like the ones above, and critically evaluate all the arguments on both sides.
An Example: Introducing Smith and Jones
Here is an example showing the importance of data ethics. This example concerns ownership over data.
Imagine that Smith owns a robotic vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner is connected to the internet, and it collects many data as it moves around Smith’s house. After having cleaned Smith’s house for a month, the manufacturer of the vacuum cleaner now has a detailed map of Smith’s house. And it knows when he is home. Who owns these data about Smith? Does Smith? Does the manufacturer? If Smith does not own it, he may not be able to control where the data goes. These data might be very useful for thieves!
We all have an intuitive idea about what it means that Smith owns his vacuum cleaner. It means, for example, that Smith may decide whether Jones uses the vacuum cleaner, whether it is sold to Jones etc. But what does it mean that Smith owns his data collected by the vacuum cleaner? Does it mean that Smith may decide whether Jones has access to the data, or whether the data is sold to Jones? And what is the difference exactly?

The Challenge
While over time we’ve built some consensus on the ethics of ownership and privacy, the digital era has opened up new challenges, and seemingly obvious answers to ethical questions about ownership and privacy have become complicated.
We want to face this challenge head-on, and take the lead in developing and implementing data ethics.
Integrating the Principles
We are going to develop a set of data ethical principles, which will be written into the very core of our business. These principles will be published on the website in the form of short articles explaining the principles, the reasoning behind them etc. The principles will be developed through videos, discussion papers, customer engagements etc.
We do not only want to do what is legal. We also want to do what we think is right.
Our 10 Principles of Data Ethics
Principle 10: Public Awareness
Inform and stay informed
Principle 9: Compatible Purposes
Stick to the Purpose
Principle 8: Accountability
Be Accountable
Principle 7: Security
Make Sure Data is Secure
Principle 6: Profiling
Avoid Unfair Use of Profiling
Principle 5: Public Data
Be Mindful When Using Public Data
Principle 4: Trust
Don’t Surprise the Customer
Principle 3: Consent
No Consent – No Collection
Principle 2: Data Privacy
Respect Peoples’ Private Domains
Principle 1: Data Ownership
Data About You is Yours