Danish Investment Culture
Aug 30, 2019 | Event, Investors, News
Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will be weighing in on Danish investment culture at an upcoming Nasdaq Copenhagen event with a group of influential business leaders, including notably Brian Mikkelsen, CEO...
Secure Solution Architecture
Daniel Lux, Seluxit CEO, will share his expertise on cyber-security threats and secure solution architecture at the Homeland Security Conference in Fredericia the 29 of August organized by CENSEC....
Hosting ICT Industry Association Network Meeting
Seluxit is happy to welcome ICT business leaders from northern Denmark as it hosts the quarterly ICT Industry Association Network meeting. The network meeting, to be held on the 28 of August, has...
Smarthome of the Future
Seluxit is in Århus this week for IoT Week in a joint stand with Aahus University’s SmartHome project. The theme of our stand is “You Will Create the Smarthome of the Future” and we’re using the...
IoT Week Århus
Geneva, Bilbao and now Århus… IoT Week is coming to Denmark from the 17-21 of June, and Seluxit will be there. IoT Week is an annual conference that addresses the technological, business and...
On the 18 of June, Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will give a talk at the opening event for the Technological Institute’s DataEnergyLab-IoT. DataEnergyLab-IoT is a facility for testing, product...
House of Energy
Former Danish Minister of Climate and Energy, Lykke Friis, will moderate the Nordic / Chinese conference “Smart Energy in a Smart City Context”, where Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will participate in a...
IoT Security Advisory Board
Seluxit recently participated in the inaugural meeting of a newly formed IoT security advisory board. The invitation to participate came from the coalition of selected GTS institutes: Alexandra...
Speaking at IWDK
May 10, 2019 | Event, News, Product
What is this machine and what value can it gain by being connected to the Internet? The audience attending the IT-forum event “Next Generation Internet of Things”, a part of IWDK (Internet Week...
Seluxit presents at Dynaway Food & Beverage Forum in USA
Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, and Sales Director, Jesper Frank, will be presenting at the Dynaway Food & Beverage Forum the 7-8 of May, 2019. The event will be held at the well-known craft brewery...
UN Sustainable Development Goals
What’s the effect of CO2 on cognitive function, and what does that have to do with IoT and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals? Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will shed light on the subject today in...
Speaking at IPEC
Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will be speaking on the topic of creating value through data-driven business models, and the increasingly important role of edge computing, neural networks and machine...