
Real Value from Energy Usage Data

When it comes to energy-usage data, making money from the data is all about delivering real value through data-driven business models. Seluxit has answers to how utilities can give and get value...

Data-Driven Business Models

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, gave a talk at the "Iot i Praksis" (IoT in practice) event held by the technology cluster, BrainsBusiness in Aalborg the 27th of November. The event addressed the growing...

High-Level Danish Delegation to Berlin

Seluxit joined a select group of 30 Danish companies including Novo Nordisk and NETS at the Smart Country Conference in Berlin the 20 - 22 November in Berlin. Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke...

Nasdaq Bell Rings at Seluxit

Friday the 9th of November at 9:00, the Nasdaq Copenhagen opening bell was rung at Seluxit's office in Aalborg, marking the first day of trade of Seluxit stock. The party — replete...

Surveillance Op-Ed

Jakob Thrane Mainz, working on an Industrial PhD at Seluxit (Philosophy) on the topic of Ethics, has recently published an op-ed in the Danish newspaper, Information. The Op-Ed (in Danish) took on...

Exemplary IoT

The Danish ICT Industry Association (IT-Branchen) cites the Gardena Smart System case as illustrative of IoT value. It can be difficult to know how IoT can bring new value. IT-branchen has recently...

Oversubscribed by 41,8%

The results of Seluxit’s IPO on Nasdaq First North Copenhagen: an almost 42% oversubscription. The results were announced in official press announcements containing details in Danish and in...

The Story behind the story

Daniel Lux, Seluxit CEO, had a chance to tell the story of Seluxit on a more personal level on the podcast, "Iværksætter Historier" (Entrepreneur Stories), recorded at the TechBBQ in Copenhagen. In...

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Seluxit i millionærklubben 31 oktober 2018. <!-- window.location = ""; -->

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if (window.location.hash != "#DanielVideo") { $(document).ready(function(){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 800, function(){ window.location.hash = "#DanielVideo"; }); }); } "Vi er bedre end...

Seluxit Smart Meter Tech on Display

Seluxit’s tech is featured and on display today and tomorrow at the German Metering Days trade fair, together with innogy. The Metering Days trade fair takes place the 23 and 24/10 at the Hotel...

IPO Timetable and Details Published

Seluxit has just published a timetable and more detailed information on the upcoming IPO. The timetable for the IPO process, investor meeting dates, investor brochure, company description as well as...