
Company Profile on Børsen

The leading Danish business newspaper, Børsen, picked up on a the excitement of Seluxit's upcoming IPO with a provocative headline. Seluxit CEO Daniel Lux's words in the headline of the article (in...

5G and Smart Grid Talk at Tele 2018

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, has been called on to share his expertise on the topic of 5G and the Smart Grid at the upcoming Tele2018 event the 24th of October in Copenhagen. The event is hosted by the...

Press Interest in IPO

Seluxit’s coming IPO has drawn interest from the press, both in Denmark and abroad. An article in (in Danish) gives a resume of Seluxit’s aims with floating the company, highlighting the...

Smarthome Project

Together with Kamstrup, Uggerly, and 9 other selected companies, Seluxit will join a series researchers in a smarthome pilot project led by the Department of Management of Aarhus University. The...

Intention to Float Announced

Seluxit has just issued an “intention to float” press release, announcing the company’s plan for an initial public offering on Nasdaq First North Copenhagen. Why now? The answer is the combination...

TechBBQ and Nasdaq Panel

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, was at TechBBQ 2018, talking pros and cons of early-stage IPOs together with a panel including Carsten Borring, Head of Listings & Capital Market, Nasdaq. Seluxit is...

EIC Innovators’ Summit

Seluxit is on the EC's elite Innovation Radar, an initiative supported by the European Commission focusing on the identification of high-potential innovations and the key innovators behind them in...

Finalist in Elite Export Trade Program

Danish Foreign Minister, Ander Samuelsen, presented the VITUS-prize on 11 September at the Danish Export Day. Seluxit was among three finalists. Seluxit extends a warm congratulations to the winner...

Visit from the Chinese Embassy

Seluxit was honored to receive a visit from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Denmark. We received Dr. Sizhen Peng, Counsellor from the Chinese Ministry of Science, Technology and...

Sino-European IoT

Chinese business moguls know that creating connected products can be a huge boon for their business. To conquer European markets they need trusted European vendors with excellent European references...

Continued SE Asia Focus

South East Asia continues to be a compelling market for Seluxit. Seluxit will for the second year in a row be participating in the ConnecTechAsia event in Singapore in conjunction with participation...