
SXSW Impressions

Wappsto had its American debut this week at SXSW in Austin, TX. Wappsto is a datamarket with an integrated appstore. You can sell your data, buy my data, and use it in meaningful applications. The...

EU@SXSW Wappsto Showcase

The European Commission's Innovation Radar is sending us to Austin, Texas. We'll be showcasing our product, Wappsto. Wappsto is a datamarket with an integrated appstore. You can sell your data, buy...

NB-IoT Presentation Available

Our presentation "Generate Revenue with NB-IoT & LTE-M" is available for download on slideshare. The presentation was given three times with standing room only at this year's Mobile World...

Speaking at this year’s #MWC18

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will be presenting "Generate Revenue with NB-IoT & LTE-M" at a NEXTech Lab in Hall 8.0 NEXTech at this years Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Daniel will be speaking...

IoT Security Project

Seluxit has joined forces with a consortium of Danish organizations to focus on helping companies deal with IoT security threats that are all to often overlooked. The project, starting in February...

FET ILP midterm workshop

Seluxit is coordinating the CASEK project as part of the prestigious H2020 FET Innovation Launchpad action. Seluxit has represented CASEK at midterm workshop at the Research Executive Agency's...

Satisfied Customer

Our (very nice) customer, Fremco, showed up today with a cake to celebrate a milestone in the development of a common project. The cake tasted good, despite the baker's mistake of writing 'Nanoflow'...

The Party of the Year

Seluxit was present at the annual Christmas party hosted by the Nordic Military Attachés to Germany held at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin. The party of the year, we were told on more than one...

Hotel d’Angleterre

Seluxit held its annual 'julefrokost' (holiday party) at the prestigious Hotel d'Angleterre in Copenhagen. Seluxit is based in the Danish city of Aalborg, but the trip to the city's premiere hotel...

Yin and Yang of Innovation

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, was recently asked for his view on what allows a business to be innovative. Here is his answer.

Maker Faire Rome

Saturday, the 2 December at 16:00, we'll be presenting "IoT Rapid Prototyping" at the Maker Faire Rome at the Fiera di Roma in the Sala Euphemia. The presentation, in the form of an on-stage...

Seluxit Stole the Show

"Show me a flashing LED and I'll show you a man drooling." - Clive "Max" Maxfield, In a fair filled with hundreds of stands one after another, standing out can be a hard task. The...