
Halloween Release

No THING is safe! We decided to have some fun and make a low-budget thriller to demo the Seluxit IoT Platform. Happy Halloween.

IoT Meetup

The Internet of Things is fun. While our company and our customers depend on the business value generated by IoT applications, there's also a popular wave of hobbyists that are unburdened by these...

DACH market expertise

Man muss die Sprache der anderen Länder können... if you want to sell to them that is. Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, presented his qualified perspective on the DACH market at an it-forum meeting held in...

Seluxit presents to W3C and IETF

Seluxit continues to drive the dialogue on IoT standards. So what could we say in Lisbon about the semantic ontology of the Web of Things? Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, presented for the third time at a...


We needed a ruby driver for some current work with the ArangoDB (a native multi-model database with flexible data models for document, graphs, and key-values). But it didn't exist. So Seluxit... interviews Daniel Lux

Inflated hopes Huge obstacles Fantastic potential Overhyped, yet requiring explanations at cocktail parties The Internet of Things So who's the lilliput IoT company at the table with the corporate...

IoT mit Zitronengeschmack

"Ein sicher vernetztes Smart Home mit Lemonbeat" is the title of the German-language article recently published in the influential periodical Elektronik Praxis. The article features Seluxit...

Speaking engagement on IoT security

Is security in IoT so hard?... To answer that question Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will once again take the stage. Daniel will speak to IoT security at an upcoming speaking engagement at the upcoming...

Long Range is Easy, Right?

Long range, low power and high throughput. This combination is often the requirement of a commercially viable IoT solution, but it's not that easy, and every use case has its own special challenges...

Gardena solution in stores

"Die Zukunft des Gartens hat begonnen" - The future of the garden has begun This is the message from Gardena, whose smart-garden solution is available in the market from early April, 2016. Seluxit...