
In-house Philosopher: Plenty to Do

There turns out to be plenty to do for a philosopher working in an IoT company. In the third and final in a series of articles on the subject of how Seluxit is tackling the issues of data ethics, IT...

Seluxit secures a new business area

Nordjyske Seluxit has chosen to work alternatively to differentiate itself on the long run. At the North Jutland IT company Seluxit, which makes IoT solutions and is listed on Nasdaq First North,...

In-house Philosopher

The companies that make connected products need to take ethical responsibility for the products they develop and the way they process data. But what is ethically responsible is not always clear cut....

CO2 Domes

Geography and weather can cause CO2 domes. But how big is the problem? Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, addresses the topic of CO2 domes in a recently published article on CO2 domes are areas of...

Smarthome of the Future

Seluxit is in Århus this week for IoT Week in a joint stand with Aahus University’s SmartHome project. The theme of our stand is “You Will Create the Smarthome of the Future” and we’re using the...

Nordic Rise

Seluxit is one of the exclusive 10 featured companies by Nordic Rise, an exciting new initiative featuring publicly-traded growth companies. Nordic Rise has been spearheaded by “invest chick” Sarah...

IoT Week Århus

Geneva, Bilbao and now Århus… IoT Week is coming to Denmark from the 17-21 of June, and Seluxit will be there. IoT Week is an annual conference that addresses the technological, business and...