

On the 18 of June, Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will give a talk at the opening event for the Technological Institute’s DataEnergyLab-IoT. DataEnergyLab-IoT is a facility for testing, product...

House of Energy

Former Danish Minister of Climate and Energy, Lykke Friis, will moderate the Nordic / Chinese conference “Smart Energy in a Smart City Context”, where Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will participate in a...

Does CO2 Harm Your Body?

Exposure to higher levels of CO2 affects your body in way that is comparable to the effects of alcohol. Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, presents this comparison in a recently published article on...

IoT Security Advisory Board

Seluxit recently participated in the inaugural meeting of a newly formed IoT security advisory board. The invitation to participate came from the coalition of selected GTS institutes: Alexandra...

Man and Machine

Data is key for minimizing costs and maximizing uptime in a production line. Vibrations, noises, changes in the pattern of energy use, and other factors can tell you an untold story. Collecting this...

Speaking at IWDK

What is this machine and what value can it gain by being connected to the Internet? The audience attending the IT-forum event “Next Generation Internet of Things”, a part of IWDK (Internet Week...

Data Ethics Article in Politiken

Seluxit’s Jakob Mainz, Industrial PhD, Philosophy of Ethics, is published in today’s Politiken (national Danish newspaper). “Your robot vacuum cleaner can be an accomplice in a robbery, your...

New Employees

Seluxit has just welcomed two strong, new profiles to our growing team. Hardware Engineer, Anders B. Jørgensen, joins us from Sky-Watch, where he worked on hardware for drones. Anders has also...

BrainsBusiness Board

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, has been voted onto the Membership Board of BrainsBusiness, the regional ICT cluster. The board was appointed at the annual general meeting the 30 April. Seluxit has been a...

UN Sustainable Development Goals

What’s the effect of CO2 on cognitive function, and what does that have to do with IoT and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals? Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will shed light on the subject today in...