
New Sales Director

Jesper Frank employed as Sales Director in Seluxit starting on 1st of April 2019. CEO, Daniel Lux: ”There has been high interest in the position and we have talked to several really exciting and...

Speaking at IPEC

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will be speaking on the topic of creating value through data-driven business models, and the increasingly important role of edge computing, neural networks and machine...

Convert IoT Data to Cash

Seluxit has just returned from a successful Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, forging numerous new business relationships. New relationships were forged (and existing relations strengthened)...

Half Year Financial Report

Seluxit’s half year report shows a result, as expected, strongly influenced by the IPO process. The expectations for the entire financial year 2018/2019 are maintained. CEO Daniel Lux, Seluxit:...

Speaking Again at Mobile World Congress

Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, will be presenting “Convert IoT Data to Cash” at a NEXTech Lab in Hall 8.0 at this years Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is the second year in a row that Daniel is...

Key Positions Open

Seluxit is looking to fill four positions as a part of our accelerated growth strategy. The positions are Sales Director, CFO, Key Account Manager and Electronics Engineer. Read more and learn how...

Seluxit Exhibiting at E-World

Seluxit will be exhibiting at E-World in Essen, Germany from the 5-7 of February, 2019. With a major project underway with innogy, we at Seluxit are excited to demonstrate how we can help companies...

Seluxit Shares Upswing

After a downwards trend, the stock is rebounding after news of a new order. Everything is going according to plan, Seluxit can confirm. CEO Daniel Lux, Seluxit: “One often sees that newly listed...