Inflated hopes
Huge obstacles
Fantastic potential
Overhyped, yet requiring explanations at cocktail parties
The Internet of Things
So who’s the lilliput IoT company at the table with the corporate giants?
And how does this company navigate the IoT landscape?
Read about Seluxit’s slow and steady path to IoT prowess in the latest feature interview from Postscapes and find out.
As a part of their IoT Voices series, has recently interviewed Seluxit CEO Daniel Lux.
Postscapes has been an influential and extensive IoT ressource for a number of year, and continues to provide one of the best mirrors for the ongoing development of the Internet of Things in its broadest sense.
The interview covered a lot of ground, including Seluxit’s involvement with the W3C on Web of Things standards and the fundamental importance of over-the-air firmware updates.

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